Elementary Principal
David Byers
Name: David Byers
Family- Michelle (wife), Parker (son), Sybell (daughter)
Years at Maynard- 20
Degrees- BSE in Health/PE, MSE in Administration, EDS in Leadership, Pursuing an EDD in Leadership
Previous positions in the District- Middle School and Jr. High Teacher, Girls Softball Coach, Girls Basketball Coach, District Athletic Director, K-12 Assistant Principal
Other Educational Experiences- Adjunct Assistant Professor. Teaches Courses in the Education Departments at Ozarka College, Crowley's Ridge College, Black River Technical College, and Williams Baptist University.
Other Interests: Basketball, Reading, Traveling, Breeding and selling Nigeran Dwarf Goats
Vision: My goal is to make Maynard Elementary the best it can possibly be. We have great students and staff members. Our job as educators, is to let students and families know how much we care about them and to help children learn in a calm, stable environment. Maynard Elementary is an extension of our community. I take a lot of pride in representing it.