Due to flooding, Maynard School will run snow routes this afternoon, on Thursday, January 30, and Friday morning, January 31. The specific Snow Routes are as follows: Bus 1 - Evans Route - Hwy 115 South to Stokes Church of Christ (7:00-7:10 am, 3:35 pm) Bus 2 - Melton Route - Hwy 328 East to Reyno, picking up at Quality Flooring (7:00 am, 3:35 pm). Bus 3 - West Route - Hwy 115 North to Deantown (7:00 am, 3:45 pm) Bus 4 - Barber Route - Hwy 166, picking up at Supply Store (7:05 am, 3:35 pm) and Barts (7:00 am, 3:40 pm). Bus 5 - Smith Route - Picking up at Ravenden Springs (6:20 am, 4:10 pm) & traveling down Hwy 231 and 251. Bus 6 - Stout Route - Hwy 328 West to Hwy 251, stopping at Sullinger's Drilling (7:08 am, 3:40 pm), traveling down Hwy 251 to Attica Church (7:05 am, 3:43 pm) Bus 7 - Rouyer Route - Pocahontas to Harps (6:25 am, 3:45 pm) on to Hwy 115 to the American Legion (6:40 am, 3:30 pm) Bus 8 - Starling Route - Warm Springs Fire Department (6:50 am, 3:50 pm) down Hwy 251 to 231 Jeanise Lawrence Route - Supply Store (7:00-7:10 am, 3:35 pm) and Stokes Church of Christ (7:25 am, 3:20 pm) Please be parked and waiting in the designated areas to ensure the driver can see you. Be Safe. Dr. Jackson.

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